Mr Tan Khim Ser 陈钦赐先生

President Tan Khim Ser is a renowned artist with over 50 years of teaching experience. He is the president of Life Art Society, the member of Singapore Youth Award Advisory Committee (Arts and Culture), which is the highest youth accolade in Singapore, the advisor and visiting Professor of Teng Wang Ge Calligraphy & Painting Institute Centre (China), permanent honorary president of Public Free Clinic Society, art advisor of Shan Wu Shaolin Culture and Martial Art Society, honorary president of Lam Ann Association, advisor to the Youth Group and Kangyi Art Club of Life Art Society and the honourable advisor to Care and Support Association.
Mr Tan Khim Ser is well versed in both Chinese and Western paintings. A favourite subject of his paintings is angelfish, for which he has invented a new drawing technique. In addition, his artwork “Crystal Lotus” is very well-received by the public. He has held 25 solo art exhibitions and his
paintings are highly appreciated by the public and eagerly sought after by art collectors.
Mr Tan is the founder of the Singapore Life Art Society (established in 1972), which aims to create greater awareness in the local art scene and foster the development of artistic talent in Singapore. Under his leadership, the youth group of Life Art Society was awarded the Singapore Youth Award in 1980. This was the highest youth accolade awarded to the art associations established in Singapore then. In 1981, Life Art Society received commendation from the Secretary General (Office of the Commonwealth) for the works it had done in promoting art and preserving national culture in Singapore. In 2003, Life Art Society was awarded Art Supporter Award by National Arts Council.
Key Milestones
1976 – He was invited by Sin Chew Jit Poh to write more than 100 pieces of articles on art and Chinese paintings in particular.
1994 – Member of the editing panel of “Modern History of Chinese Painting”.
1996 – Invited to contribute his paintings to Community Chest to be printed as “Charity Lottery” tickets for fund raising. A total 3 million pieces of tickets were printed.
1998 – Invited by Mediacorp of Singapore to deliver a lecture on “Introduction to Chinese painting” for one year on Channel 8.
2002 – Selected for “Exhibition of Calligraphy and Painting from Chinese Worldwide”.
2009 – The hybrid Orchid “Cattlian – Tan Khim Ser” was named after him.
2009 – Invited to have his painting themed “Family” to be exhibited in Louvre Museum (Paris).
2012 – Mr Tan and the members of the Life Art Society were invited by LTA to display their selected Chinese calligraphy and paintings in MRT stations and bus stops, with the hope that the spirit and love of art could be rekindled and spread to everyone in the public.
2013 – Presented a live demonstration on Chinese calligraphy and painting themed《正气》“Song of Righteousness” in Chingay 2013.
2014 – Invited as a judge for Singapore Jewellery Design Award.
2015 – Together with the members of Life Art Society, a live demonstration combining Chinese calligraphy and painting themed《国运昌隆》“Prosperity for our Nation” was presented in the form of live parade to the audience in celebration of SG50 in Chingay 2015.
2017 – Interviewed by National Archives of Singapore. His biography was collected by Oral History Interview of National Archives.
Recognition and Achievements
• Invited as a judge in numerous nation-wide art competitions and was also invited to give lectures and art demonstrations on Chinese paintings at various government departments and Community Clubs.
• His paintings were collected by various establishments, such as Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, National Art Museum, Singapore Istana and Ministry of Information, Communication and the Arts.
• Invited to present his artworks to Nation’s Founding Father Lee Kuan Yew, Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, Former President S. R. Nathan, President Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Senior Minister Prof. S. Jayakumar, and other Ministers.
• He and his artworks were selected into “Dictionary of Well-known Chinese” and “Modern Chinese Painters Dictionary” respectively. His painting was selected into “Modern Artists of the World Dictionary”.
• Awarded “Honorary Award” from “Overseas Chinese Association” and awarded “Special Honorary Award” from “Taiwan Chinese Art Academy”.
• Awarded Certificate of “Well known Artists of the World” from CCTV of China.
• Chief planner of nation-wide events such as the “Hui Chun Writing” events organized jointly by Life Art Society and SMRT during Lunar New Year in recent years.
陈钦赐先生十分热爱社会公益事业,多年兼任新加坡大众医院永远名誉院长,新加坡禅武少林文化与武术协会艺术顾问,新加坡南安会馆名誉会长,新加坡慈爱协会“爱心顾问”(Care & Support Association Honourable Advisor),新加坡多项全国性美术比赛评审、新加坡国际珠宝设计比赛评审、新加坡全国大型挥春活动艺术总监。1995年获新加坡人民协会颁发的《志愿服务奖》。2011年受公共交通理事会之邀,书写的礼仪书法刊印成海报张贴于全国各地地铁站与巴士车站,支持宣传礼貌运动。2012年受“春到河畔”工委之邀呈献《福》字书法为国父李光耀先生祝福。2013年受邀在《妆艺大游行》挥毫写“正气”榜书。2015年妆艺大游行,带领更生团队挥毫书画表演《国运昌隆》。