Founded in 1972, the Singapore Life Art Society, a non-profit organization, aims to create greater awareness in local arts and to develop art talent. All these are made possible by activities such as art courses, exhibitions, forums and publication of art magazines, either solely organized by the Singapore Life Art Society or through collaboration with other associations like the National Arts Council, Singapore Press Holdings, Singapore Art Museum, People’s Association, National Library, Community Clubs, Resident Committees and Singapore Polytechnic. All the above events received overwhelming responses from the masses and achieved great results in the promotion of the arts in Singapore.
In 1980, the National Youth Service Awards, the highest order ever given to an organization, was presented to the Youth Group of the Life Art Society. Subsequently, in 1981, the Youth Group was awarded the Commonwealth Youth Service Awards, Art Supporter Award by National Arts Council in 2003 for its contribution and service rendered in promoting a greater appreciation of art in the local scene.
Besides promoting local arts, the Singapore Life Art Society also organized numerous charity art exhibitions over the years to raise funds for organizations such as the National Kidney Foundation and Children’s Cancer Foundation. Free evening art classes are conducted at Community Clubs to help those who have an interest in the arts. The members of Life Art Society are not only from all parts of the world, including countries like China, Japan, India, Malaysia, Australia, America, Britain, Holland, Germany, France, etc., but also from all walks of life, consisting of professional artists as well as professors, researchers, doctors, lawyers, engineers and accountants. It is a true representation and reflection of the multi-racial and multi-cultural flavours of the Singapore cosmopolitan society.
更生美术研究会成立于一九七二年,宗旨为促进我国美术 活动暨培育人才并积极提高人民对美术的鉴赏力。曾独办或与各美术团体:国家艺术理事会、国家青年理事会、新加坡报业控股、新传媒电台、新加坡美术馆、人民协会、国家图书馆、民众俱乐部、居委会、新加坡理工学院、南安会馆联办各类型展览、全国美术比赛、专题讲座、出版美术专辑与办美术教育课程等,到国外考察与国外画家进行艺术交流并取得优异的成绩。